"A Voice for the Voiceless"
In-Person at the Sheraton SLC &

Join NASW-Utah on Friday, March 10th for our Annual Conference. 

This event is hybrid so we will be in person at the Sheraton in Salt Lake City and streaming virtually.
This year our theme is, "A Voice for the Voiceless" Please see the below schedule for details.
With 7 CEU hours including keynotes on Suicide Prevention & Ethics.

The in person event is at The Sheraton Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah
150 W 500 S
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101

2023 Registration HERE


This page will include all necessary information to access the NASW-Utah Spring Conference. We will update it as this information because available.

  • Links to live stream & recording (schedule below)
  • Certificate information - Scroll down for the conference form/survey to fill out once the conference is completed.
    • CEU - You will fill out the at form/survey at the bottom of this page once the conference is over. Once we receive your form and verified your attendance we will issue you a certificate. We appreciate your patience as there are lots of people joining us! Once we have the recorded sessions available we will email you access (hopefully within 60 days). Once you view them, you will receive a separate certificate for each course you watch recorded.
    • Please keep a copy of your brochure as new CEU rules may require further detail. 
    • Once we have confirmed your participation via the form below, you will be able to access your e-certificate at this LINK.
  • Presentations - If we are able to share the presentations, you can access them in HERE.
  • Participation - Please be aware that if you are attending virtually, we will ask you to check-in regularly on the chat to verify your attendance. In order to receive the real-time interactive credits, you will need to attend the virtual conference live. Please just make a comment on the presentation or contribute to the discussion rather than say 'here' 'check-in.'
  • Survey - Please complete one survey at the conclusion of the conference.

WIFI: SheratonMeeting

If you are attending in person, you are welcome to arrive between 8-8:30 AM to check-in.
Parking is $5 for the day and is on the east side of the Sheraton.
The conference is at The Sheraton SLC.
We will have a light breakfast, snacks, and a buffet lunch!

In order to receive your certificate, you will need to complete the survey at the bottom of this page. Once submitted, we will verify your attendance and issue your certificate. 

Thank you for joining us on Friday, we hope you enjoy the presentations and join us at future NASW-Utah events!


8:45 AM - 10:15 AM

  • Morning Keynote (1.5 Suicide Prevention CEU): " From Death Education to Live On: Suicide in Utah and the State of Suicide Prevention," with  Michael Staley, PhD - MAIN ROOM

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Breakout 1 (1.5 CEU): " Homelessness: Choice versus Circumstance," with  Randy M. Huntington, LCSW,  Monte S. Memmott, CMHC, and  Fred Sheehan, Peer Support Specialist - MAIN ROOM
  • Breakout 2 (1.5 CEU): " Invisible Disabilities: Providing Behavioral Health Support for People with Chronic Health Conditions," with  K. Todd Pehrson LCSW, and Taylor Berhow, LCSW - ROOM 2

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

  • Lunch Panel (1 CEU): " Dynamic Social Worker - Deepen Your Professional and Leadership Skills," with  Dr. Terri Nicole Sawyer, LCSW, CFLE,  Shandy Clark,  Mark O. Bigler, LCSW, PhD, Jeff Scott, LCSW, and Annika Hunt, MSW, LCSW - MAIN ROOM

1:15 PM - 2:45 PM

  • Afternoon Keynote (1.5 Ethics CEU): " The Ethics of Global Survival in Social Work Practice," with  Dr. David Derezotes LCSW, PhD - MAIN ROOM

3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

  • Breakout 1 (1.5 CEU):  "Clinical Features That Influence and Enhance Intensive Outpatient Substance Abuse Care," with Dr. Michael Dusoe Ph.D., LCSW, Tammie Dusoe BS, LASUDC, Dylan Dusoe LSUDC - ROOM 2
  • Breakout 2 (1.5 CEU): " Listening to Find YOUR Voice," with  Rene Barrera, LCSW, Jennifer Campbell,  Lindsay Bowton, LCSW, Martín C. Muñoz, MPA, and Kelly Sparks, Davis County Sheriff - MAIN ROOM



NASW-Utah Spring Conference - Completion Survey

Complete this survey once the conference has finished and your attendance is complete. Once you submit this survey, we will verify your attendance and issue you a certificate.